
The Final Solution for Dating

I run a blog where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I’ve posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of these troubles. Even if you haven’t read the blog, you probably are aware of some of these schemes. While I wish it were easy to sum everything up into one neat, overlying problem, it’s not that simple. Let me point out just a few of the issues.  For one, there’s a definite lack of respect in dating nowadays. People don’t even care about their partners enough to treat...

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Online Dating for Dummies

Whether you have been dating for years, getting back in the game, or just starting out, you could always use a bit of dating advice. Not the kind you get from your mother, but rather the kind that actually might get you past the first date, on to the 2nd and perhaps on to a happily ever after.  So you have decided to date and you are thinking about the “online dating” thing? Well, why not. To be cliche’ everyone is doing it! In today’s action packed, hustle, bustle world, who had time or energy to meet the traditional...

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How to Have Better Relationships with Men

Menn er ikke et mysterium når De lærer lese dem!  If you know how to read Norwegian, then you know that the title of this article is:  “Men are not a mystery when you know how to read them!”  But if you don’t read Norwegian then you were left in the dark. My point? Most women have no idea how to read men. Sure, we may think that we know what they’re thinking; we may think that we know what they want, but the truth is: Most of us would have better luck translating Norwegian than we would understanding...

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Fulfill a Wedding Tradition with Estate Bridal Jewelry

We all know the old verse “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” But it’s way more than a verse, its something many brides follow to the rule. So why not fulfill a wedding tradition with estate bridal jewelry?  Future brides from every corner of the globe try very hard to follow this little verse. Their wedding gowns, accessories and jewelry must all play into this little verse. What’s really great is that estate bridal jewelry can fill the requirements very easy! Let’s look at each portion of the vers.  Something old  could be a piece of bridal...

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Does Online Dating Work?

Dating Online is currently the Internets biggest craze, and its here to stay! But does it actually work?  I mean, there are tons of Dating websites, but their success with matchmaking is kept rather low key, and I found out why.  When I was searching for Online dating websites, I felt that I couldn’t trust many of the companies and that they were just trying to get money out of me. After many hours of research I was exhausted by the idea of Online Dating, it just seemed more hassle than what it was worth, but I was determined...

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End Binge Eating Disorder – Compulsive Overeating

End Binge Eating Now Has Relaunched With A Brand New Website! Since 2005, Over 1,000 People Have Purchased My Ebook To Overcome Their Binge Eating Disorder

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